Wellness & Wishes
Wellness & Wishes
Virtual Energy Healing + Wellbeing Coaching Sessions
Theta Starter (30min ThetaHealing Session) P777
Holistic Wellbeing (1hr Healing/ Reading/ Coaching Full Session) P1,111
Become an Empowered Wish Granter!
Program Launch
October 10, 2021
3PM - 5PM
100% of the Proceeds will go to Make-A-Wish Philippines Foundation to help make wishes of children with critical illnesses come true
9 Healers are available for booking from October 10 to 31, 2021
Schedule your appointment at https://www.empowermentlifecoaching.online/wellness-and-wishes

About Make-A-Wish Philippines
Make-A-Wish Philippines grants the wishes of children with critical illnesses to transform their lives with hope, strength and joy.
The foundation is an affiliate of Make-A-Wish International, the world’s largest wish-granting organization. It is the first and only non-profit wish-granting organization in the Philippines.
Children with critical illnesses and their families become so focused on hospitalization, medication and procedures that play time, creativity, and imagination usually get pushed aside. So much of their childhood is lost as they fall into physical and emotional exhaustion. Research shows that wish experiences can help improve a child's quality of life and produce better health outcomes.
A wish-come-true can become a turning point where children look past their limitations, families overcome anxiety and communities experience joy.
Choose Your Wellness Package

Theta Starter P777
ThetaHealing Session for 30 mins

Holistic Wellbeing P1,111
1 hr ThetaHealing® Session,
Oracle Reading, Reiki, Life Coaching
Become an Empowered Wish Granter!
Step 1: Donate
Step 2: Choose Your Healer
Step 3: Wish Granted
VIA GCASH: 0917 511 4483
PayPal: alelicarissa@gmail.com
BDO Savings Account: 007220056637
Security Bank Savings Account: 0711506613001
Account Name: Aleli Carissa De Leon Gimena
Email your proof of donation at aleli@empowermentlifecoaching.online.
Zoom meeting link will be sent after the proof of donation has been received.
About Our Services
ThetaHealing® is a meditational process that creates physical, psychological, and spiritual healing with focused prayer through connection to the Creator of All That Is, wherein our brain waves go into a Theta state of mind.
ThetaHealing® empowers you to shift from a victim mentality into creating your own reality for you to take charge of your own life. We can help you change the issues underlying your current life problems and recurring negative patterns. Through ThetaHealing® Soul Sessions, we will uncover the limiting beliefs that are stopping you from living the best and highest life for you, in alignment with your life purpose. We will release and replace these negative subconscious programming with positive programming, one block at time.
What we are actually doing is that we are taking your consciousness into Pure Energy, identifying our limiting belief systems and subconscious rules we created for ourselves. With self-awareness, we will then guide you into releasing all these subconscious blocks and rewriting these rules to create a new empowering mindset, positive belief systems and healthy habits.
Through ThetaHealing®, a unique reading may also be done by first doing the Road Map meditation to the 7th Plane of Existence and connecting with the Creator of All That Is, from where the perfect answers come, in the highest and best way, with ease, grace and fun.
Oracle Reading
Intuitive Guidance Readings are a wonderful way of exploring and discovering one’s true self. We will channel Divine Soul messages in answering your life questions on any aspect of your life, depending on your priority concern.
Soul Oracle Readings are a beautiful way of receiving answers from one’s Higher Self, Angels and Spirit Guides or the Divine Universe, in order to address specific issues, problems and challenges, and determine the patterns and limiting beliefs that either cloud us or keep us from moving forward.
Life or Soul Readings allow us to understand our past and current situation, so we can find clarity in the Now and direction to the future, and so we can discover new perspectives and shift our negative programming into a more positive mindset.
Readings help us deal with our lives in an empowered manner and can be used in one’s personal development, career growth, finances, physical body, emotional wellbeing, mental health, love life, relationships, life purpose or spirituality.
Readings can be done using either Psychic Oracle cards or the special Decoding technique using a crystal pendulum. Three of the most popular themes for Oracle cards are Angel, Goddess and Wisdom of the Hidden Realms cards and these are used specifically to receive messages from one’s angelic guides, ethereal beings or ascended masters.
The practice of using a pendulum is recommended when we are at a crossroads and we aim to arrive at a decision between 2 or more paths. We are guided on which inspired action steps to take which will be in alignment with our highest vision and purpose.
Reiki Healing
Reiki is a natural healing modality that is administered by channelling Divine Life Source Energy to another person through chakras (or energy centers) helping to reduce stress and promote overall wellness. It is a holistic system for balancing, healing, cleansing and harmonizing the body, mind, emotions and spirit —and it can also be used to encourage personal and spiritual awareness and growth.
The word Reiki is made up of two Japanese words: Rei which translates to “wisdom and knowledge of all the Universe,” and Ki which means “life force energy.”
Life Coaching
Coaching is a collaborative, solution focused, results-oriented and systematic process in which the coach facilitates the enhancement of work performance, self-directed learning, and personal and professional growth of the coachee. Throughout the working relationship, the coach will engage in direct, personal, and often challenging conversations. The coachee understands that successful coaching requires an active collaborative approach between coachee and coach.
October 10 | 3 PM - 5 PM

Granting Wishes by Make-A-Wish Philippines
3:00 PM
Get to know the beneficiary behind this event & how they
have been granting wishes for children with critical illnesses.

Being an Empowered Granter
3:15 PM
How ThetaHealing, Oracle Reading, Reiki Healing & Life Coaching services can empower your life and support you in feeling confident, happy and fulfilled by helping you align with your life purpose and shift your limiting beliefs into an empowering mindset.

All About Energy Healing: Get to Know Our Healers
4:30 PM
Connect with our volunteer energy healers and life coaches and choose the right one for you.