WELLBEING WORKSHOP: Releasing & Letting Go Wellbeing Workshop with Christine Dychiao & Aleli Carissa Gimena
Fri, Nov 05
|via Zoom
Join Aleli & Christine as they discuss the art of letting go, and the true meaning and value of decluttering your space, detoxifying your body, and releasing everything and anything that no longer serves your heart, mind and soul.

Time & Location
Nov 05, 2021, 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM GMT+8
via Zoom
About the Event
Nov 5 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM GMT+8 (Manila, Philippines time)
Nov 4 7:00 AM - 9:30 AM GMT-4 (International time)
In this workshop, you will learn useful strategies in processing your emotions so you can release, forgive and let go with loving ease.
We will practice intentional mindfulness breathing exercises for Letting Go of Toxicity and EFT tapping techniques for Emotional Freedom & Acceptance. You will be guided through self-discovery journal prompts on Releasing, Surrendering to the Universe, Trusting and Having Faith in Divine Timing We will explore the Creative Process of Decluttering for Clarity and the Vacuum Law of Prosperity.
We will show you how to recognize and release resistance and quickly shift back into a state of absolute, blissful allowance, anytime of the day. Together, we will wind up the workshop with Positive Affirmations, Reiki Group Healing Meditation, and ThetaHealing Energetic Downloads.
Aleli Carissa Gimena is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: WELLBEING WORKSHOP: Releasing & Letting Go Wellbeing Workshop with Christine Dychiao & Aleli Carissa Gimena
Time: Nov 5, 2021 07:00 PM Singapore
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83497512111?pwd=RlREalgxL0pGUlR1UWlQbEt2ZE5EZz09
Meeting ID: 834 9751 2111 Passcode: Wellbeing
WELLBEING WORKSHOP: Releasing & Letting Go Wellbeing Workshop with Christine Dychiao & Aleli Carissa Gimena
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