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برنامج ريكي ماستر للتدريب المهني لمدة 10 أسابيع

كن محترفًا في ريكي  + مدرب العافية في 3 أشهر!

Image by engin akyurt

The Japanese word Reiki (pronounced “Ray Kee”) is translated as “universal life-force energy” or “spiritual energy.

It is made up of two Japanese words: Rei which translates to “wisdom and knowledge of all the Universe,” and Ki which means “life force energy,” which flows through every living thing- plants, animals and people. 

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But Reiki is more than just an Energy Healing Modality. Reiki is not just any Japanese hands-on healing modality, it is actually natural healing from the Universe and from the heart. Essentially, Reiki is Universal Love.

Reiki means Universal Spiritual Energy from the Divine Source.  Reiki is an ancient healing art, a spiritual practice, and a gift of life.

It is a holistic system for balancing, healing, cleansing and harmonizing all aspects of the person—body, mind, heart, emotions and soul/spirit.

Reiki is also a path to enlightenment and higher consciousness
Image by Stephen Leonardi

It can be used to encourage personal and spiritual awareness and growth. It is a way of connecting to our higher self, our Inner Being, the Creator, the Universe, and Divine Love.


It is within all of us waiting to be fully awakened and to be used to know our Inner Being or True Self. Reiki is unconditional love, divine wisdom, divine purpose, and living life in peace, trust, gratitude, joy, and so much more.  

Image by Lucas Ludwig

This Reiki Level 1 & 2 Certification Courses will empower you to heal yourself and others with the power of Universal Energy. It will provide you with all the spiritual tools you need to become a highly successful, effective and competent Reiki Practitioner.

*Reiki Healing Certification Course
Practitioners Training Level 1& 2*

Begin Your Reiki Journey

Reiki First Degree (Shoden Level)

Reiki Second Degree:

Heal Yourself & Others

Advanced Reiki Techniques

+ Reiki Level 3

Reiki Master Apprenticeship

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Image by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger

Reiki First Degree (Shoden Level)

The Reiki First Degree or the Shoden Level is the first step in learning Reiki.

The aim of Reiki is knowing our Inner Being which is the Divine Self. The Divine Self is the one that is connected to Reiki. We are part of the Reiki and we are one with Reiki. The hands-on-healing on oneself and others is just one tool of knowing our inner being but not the main goal of Reiki.


Unlike other healing arts, Reiki is passed from master to student through a Reiki Attunement that allows the student to connect to the Universal Reiki Source. The attunement allows you to become a vessel of Reiki, and move or channel Reiki energy for yourself and others.

Image by Han Chenxu

Reiki Second Degree

Reiki Level 2 or Reiki Second Degree aims to bring the students into a Higher Level of Consciousness and a deeper spiritual practice which involves the connection to the Divine Self, Oneness, and Enlightenment using symbols and mantra.

Image by J Lee

Reiki Third Degree

Deepen and expand the Reiki Second Degree practitioner's knowledge and practice of Advanced Reiki Techniques and initiate them into the Reiki Master energy.

Image by Noah Blaine Clark

Reiki Master Apprenticeship

Total of 12 Weeks + 21-Day Self-Healing Cleanse

A comprehensive 12 weeks program designed to give a full focused

grounding into the subject of Reiki and energy healing. 

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About Your Reiki Master Teacher

Aleli Carissa Gimena is a passionate Empowerment Life Coach; Reiki Master Teacher; Yoga & Meditation Instructor; Access Bars Practitioner; ThetaHealing Practitioner; and Council Elder for Reiki Wellness Manila.

Her Divine Soul Gift is her unique ability in holding a non-judgmental safe space, with love and empathy, for nurturing and teaching others to heal themselves and co-create with the universe.

Having earned her degrees in Master of Arts in Education and Juris Doctor in Law, she has vast knowledge and experience in the academic field. She has been a licensed professional teacher since 2012, now teaching Personal Development and English Communication to young adults and professionals.

She specializes in helping people discover and align with their life purpose; and shift from their limiting beliefs into an empowering mindset - from victim mentality to winning confidence; from lack to abundance; from worry to trust; from resentment to peace; from fear to forgiveness, faith and love.

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